Aidplex won 1st place at Next Stage Challenge: PrototypeStage!

Next Stage Challenge 2021 is over, and AidPlex is excited to announce that won 1st place at Prototype Stage!

After 221 evaluations, AidPlex managed to win 1st place at the prototype stage as well as the impressions of the evaluators (investors and institutions).

Congratulations to all teams! AidPlex team wishes all teams success in conquering the next stage!

The first places from the categories belong to:

The second place and the support of Thessaloniki Innovation Zone with a support package (co-working, headquarters, perks) were taken by:

💡 Idea stage: 2nd place: Skolix

🎯 Prototype stage: 2nd place:

💰 Revenue stage: 2nd place: Fleet Pass

Additional sponsor awards: