On 16/6/2022 the 12th organization of the competition “Innovation & Technology” took place. It is an initiative of the National Bank of Greece for the promotion of innovation, within the NBG Business Seeds program. The “Innovation Festival” took place at the Megaron Melas. The National Bank firmly supports and encourages innovative companies, technological progress, and the digital transformation of the economy.
This year’s event had over 250 proposals and about 423 participants. The event
featured the 10 finalists, with the National Bank honoring the people who look beyond the ordinary. NBG also works with 13 public universities and 4 research centers, as well as 50 agencies, organizations, and chambers.

NBG Business Seeds Winners
AidPlex received 3rd place with a cash prize of 6,000 euros. AidPlex has developed ScolioSense, a smart wearable device that monitors scoliosis treatment. More specifically it tracks the prescribed time of back brace usage and safeguards its correct fitting. AidPlex aims to reduce the chances of a future surgery on the patient’s spine.
The startups that won in the 12th Competition
DeepMed IO Ltd – 1st prize
GEP Unmanned Technologies – 2nd prize
AidPlex – 3rd prize
Metabio – 4th prize
Cognitiv+ – 5th prize
Patin-e – 5th prize
myTeam – 5th prize
OVIVIEW – 5th prize
Shiplemon – 5th prize